indicator bacteria of contaminationの例文
bacteria contamination
The presence of uracil indicates lactic acid bacteria contamination of the fruit. Coliform and fecal bacteria contamination was also found, the report said. Coca-Cola recalled a new batch ......

indicator bacteria
"' Indicator bacteria "'are types of bacteria used to detect and estimate the level of fecal contamination of water. Monitoring data representing occurrence of pathogens, direct measuremen......

indicator indicator
Queeny's intent was to audio record and film African wildlife and native culture, and produced several documentaries from the footage he took while with Ker, including " Indicator Indicato......

2013 horse meat contamination in burgers scandal
A couple of page moves and attempted moves have left 2013 horse meat contamination in burgers scandal in a mess. The article's talk page is currently at Talk : 2013 British horse meat scan......

2013 horse meat contamination scandal
His companies attracted controversy in the 1991 Beef Tribunal and the 2013 horse meat contamination scandal. The issue of horse consumption in the UK and Ireland was raised in 2013 with re......

accidental contamination
Smith thinks a 0.1 percent limit should be set for accidental contamination. Regarding his 1998 crop, Schmeiser did not put forward any defence of accidental contamination. Smith thinks a ......

acid contamination
Lotus Herbs of La Puente, Calif ., and FineMost Corp . / QualiHerb of Cerritos, Calif ., recalled the products after the Food and Drug Administration detected aristolochic acid contaminati......

agricultural contamination
Supply problems are further complicated by other important factors, including : urban and agricultural contamination of watersheds; competition between agricultural uses ( i . e . irrigati......

air borne contamination
Air borne contamination

air contamination
Whitman formed a task force last month to address indoor air contamination. A verification of cabin air contamination with toxic substances ( e . g. Equipment inside the cleanroom is desig......

airborne contamination
FDA researchers are concerned that carelessly brewed kombucha is subject to airborne contamination. Nasal swabs may be subject to airborne contamination by dust from nearby poultry's feces......

alien contamination
It was released on video in the United States under titles " Alien Contamination " and " Toxic Spawn ", which are heavily edited. Doesn't the idea of pure cultures, in urgent need of being......

animal contamination
But the administration's food-safety program, which is budgeted for $ 43.2 million, includes only $ 4.1 million for research on issues that would bear directly on problems of animal contam......

anti-contamination device
Anti - contamination device

aquatic pesticide contamination
Aquatic pesticide contamination

archives of environmental contamination and toxicology
Another study, published in The Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology in 1993, found associations between brain cancer in Missouri children and the use of pesticides in ho......

arsenic contamination
Arsenic contamination is very likely to be related to wartime poison gas, They also say the arsenic contamination created emotional distress and lowered property values. Arsenic contaminat......

arsenic contamination of ground water
Nearly 200 participants include experts and academics from India, the United States, China, Australia, Britain and Japan attended the conference on arsenic contamination of ground water in......

arsenic contamination of groundwater
Large portions of China's aquifers suffer from arsenic contamination of groundwater. Arsenic contamination of groundwater is a problem that affects millions of people across the world. A m......

arsenic contamination of water
Arsenic contamination of water is not a serious problem, Arsenic contamination of water is not a serious problem.

artificial contamination
Psycharis however regarded " katharevousa " as an artificial contamination of the naturally evolved Greek language, and rejected all such borrowings.

atmosphere contamination
Based on summarizing magnetic parameters and vicissitude and evolvement of environmental magnetic minerals , this paper introduce the main advances made in many fields such as soil and atm......

atmospheric contamination
While some probably came naturally from bedrock, atmospheric contamination is the primary culprit, Oelfke says. The study concludes with, " atmospheric contamination dramatically increases......

average value of contamination
Average value of contamination

back contamination
The same is also possible the other way around for back contamination. Human explorers would also be vulnerable to back contamination to Earth if they become carriers of microorganisms. Al......